Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 4

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Reading weight loss motivational quotes keep me inspired daily to write this blog and to keep positive on my fat loss journey.

"One small step at a time."

I really like this one. It reminds me to make small goals before I reach my large goals so they become more reachable. It was mentioned on The Biggest Loser last week. When you have such a large number of weight to lose you get overwhelmed, it's best to think of something you can reach in a smaller about of time. When I weighed in at my WW meeting I decided my goals would be 5%, then 10% weight loss and so on. I haven't thought out any other goals, right now it is just fat loss. As I progress I'm sure I will think of plenty to reach. But remember, small steps.

What goals do you have?

Mental status: Powerful
Stomach Status: Satisfied
Physical status: Entire house cleaned :)

1 comment:

  1. breaking it down into smaller increments is definetly the way to do it. otherwise it's too overwhelming. i took a piece of paper and wrote down a list of each increment. then as i reach each mini goal, i cross it off. it's a visual motivator to be able to look at the list and start to see all of the goals crossed that!
