Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 5

So today I am slowly working in physical activity to my daily routine. I want to reach these fat loss goals reasonably. Today I turned the music up and danced around the house vigorously for about 15 minutes to get warmed up(the dogs thought I was crazy!). Following that I did a crossfit type workout that Jason wrote out for me.

Complete in 10 minutes.

50 step ups
10 push ups
10 squats
40 step ups
10 push ups
10 squats
30 step ups
10 push ups
10 squats
20 step ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 step ups
5 push ups
5 squats

I completed it in 8 minutes. To see if I can go any faster, I'm going to try and cut my time down. I am trying to come up with workouts to do from home for this next week, to slowly get my body ready to hit the gym for a few hours a day everyday. Any workout tips or ideas to do from home?? (Without any equipment)

All around I am feeling good! Although I'm wondering if I have an egg allergy because my stomachs been messed up all day and the only thing I did different was have an egg for breakfast? I haven't had any problems with going over my point value, and surprisingly I am always feeling satisfied and not even thinking about wanting some of my "go to" favorites. I'm really liking this whole WW thing :) By this time in a diet I am driving myself up a wall for cravings!

Did you work out today?


  1. hey sis! i wish i had some stairs to work out on too!! no i have no worked out yet today but im feeling a run later at the gym...keep up the hard work n me n paige will try n think of some fun things for you to do at home!!!--Adrienne

  2. Drill Sgt. T-Bone BigginsJanuary 11, 2011 at 8:56 PM


  3. goodness...i think i would have a heart attack doing that...haha!!

    you go girl!!!!

    (i think i'll try it though at a 50 yr old "speed" and see how i do...hahah)

  4. Yah try it!!! Let me know your time!
