Friday, January 7, 2011

Being the end of the evening on a Friday night, I am going strong, not feeling hungry and even 7 points left to spare for a snack because we will be staying up later than usual. I came across a quote that I really liked and I believe is something we all suffer from...

"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow ye diet."
-William Gilmore Beymer

This quote, I believe right here is the main reason on why so many of us suffer from being overweight and even fall into other addictions along with denying it and putting it off to the next day. I used to watch the show "Intervention" on A&E religiously and at the end of the show the drug addict, alcoholic, food addict, anorexic, gambler and all other types of addicts out there are faced with a choice to go to a rehab facility RIGHT NOW. They always want to make an excuse to go tomorrow or in a few hours to get their LAST fix of their drug of choice whether it be drugs, alcohol or food.
I find it more common that people struggle more with the word "tomorrow" when it comes to weight loss. I personally always would get motivation when I saw something inspirational on TV (Biggest Loser), tried on a pair of jeans that didnt fit, even the night before I was going to go to the grocery and wanted to buy healthier food choices. But by the time that next day came I would not commit. We all know we cant just jump off of the couch and say "Im ready", we all need to be mentally ready and my ready is now. When will you be ready?


  1. I love this post. I think this is so true for everything in life. Always waiting till "tomorrow" but then never following through. I think this blog is such a great thing. My mom has done WW for the longest time and I'm always trying to help her, but self motivation is key! The new points plus is plus is awesome, but im sending her to read this for the perfect motivator! Miss ya hanna!!! Hope all is well with you and jay!

  2. just like we talked earlier...what is it that "flips the switch" in each individual to finally embrace the reality and begin to conquer their own "demons". we have to do it for ourselves...not for someone else or an event we have coming up like a wedding or reunion, etc. it's a huge commitment to ourself to completely change our world to strive toward who we always knew we could be, but just weren't ready to tackle the battle. these battles are not won over night. this is a marathon, not a sprint. but when our "switch has flipped", there is no holding us back because we are one group of strong and determined women with the goal of being the best we can be!! i love you ;)
