Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weigh in - Day 21,

Tonight was my weigh in at my Weight Watchers meeting. Well, yesterday I had said my goal was at least 2 lbs. and I was shooting for 3. I exceeded both!!

3.8 Lbs! WOO HOO! I did better than both of my goals. Now that's what makes a happy girl and it also gives me alot of motivation for week 4!

Tonights meeting was a focus on exercise. Not just exercise in the gym but they encouraged us to remember back in our childhood to the things we enjoyed doing when our parents had to pull us away from for dinner time and bed time. For me, the first thing that immediately popped into my head was swimming. When I was a kid I remember never wanting to get out of our pool. My mom would be begging us to come inside for dinner. I also remembered my dad calling me a fish. I remember when I was younger, no one was allowed in the pool when our parents weren't home, no matter what(unless another adult was present). I have so many memories of my sister, brothers and I trying to sneak in and get some swim time in. It was torture when they weren't home in the summer time. I don't do enough of swimming anymore, mainly because we don't have a pool, I am embarassed to get in a swim suit and lastly I forget that it's exercise. My point is, they want us to participate in "activites" not exercise. Things we actually enjoy doing and the activities that will make us smile.

What were your favorite childhood "activities" that your parents had to drag you in for at dusk?


  1. YAH! glad you had a good week. I'm not doing so well on the new plan. I think I may have to go back to the old pts program. anyway I love that your meetings are meaningful. Here they seem to only push some products these days. meetings are a half hour long (they used to be an hour)so there really is no time for those helpful motivating conversations anymore. Activities vs exercise-great topic. I was never home. always on my bike. Had to have my So I rode a lot. Also walked a lot. My feet took me where my bike didn't. For pleasure I skated. Hmmm seems all my activities had something to do with mobility

  2. I enjoy having the accountability of the meeting for my weigh in. The lady who leads my group is VERY friendly and she loves having interaction with everyone there, everyone is always sharing their ideas, kind nice. Its not just her talking at us.

  3. hehe I remember not being aloud to go past the 2nd step in the pool....we just wanted to keep swimming hahaha but mom always had to run to the store or something

  4. haha definetly A! We would sit on the second step until mom pulled in and then we would already be jumping in before she was out of the car!

  5. well that's nice to know you guys actually followed the rules ;) i was always so afraid you would sneek in. even though you guys were old enough to be alone and were great swimmers, you just never know!

    hannah thanks for bringing up some memories of the pool. we had so much fun there. and you were a great swimmer. always loved the water..such a water baby!
