Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 20, Recipe included!

I put together a little design for my header, how do you like it? I think the picture is hysterical! I mean, who hasn't grabbed at what little or large amounts of fat we have?
Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I am feeling alot more positive about it because I did what I was supposed to do this week. No goofing off at all. Last week I had a one pound gain, personally as a goal I would be happy with at least 2 but I'm shooting for 3 on the higher side. I'd like to make up for my one pound gain. Although I didn't allow it to effect how well I did this week, I still have a little part of me that's letting it eat away at me. This is a fat loss blog, not a fat gain story.

I was reading another weight loss blog and the author had mentioned how weigh loss blogs are one in a million and no one ever can complete what they start. They can be successful for weeks and even months, but at some time they give up and gain everything back. I'm determined for this not to be me. I have dieted so many times in my life, and I don't think my head has ever been so clear and feel so encouraged as I feel right now. I want to show that I am going to prove her wrong and become successful at reaching my personal goals.

For those of you who are dieting I have a great protein fruit smoothie I will share, that I stole from my Mom! I will add point values for those of you interested. This is a great for breakfast for anyone, diet or not.

Smoothie - 7 points

1/2 c. skim milk - 1 point
1 greek yogurt (any flavor) - 3 points
1 c. fruit of choice (frozen or fresh) - 0 points
1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder (you could try vanilla, your preference) - 3 points
about 3 ice cubes (add more to get right consistency if using fresh fruit)

Try it and let me know what you think!!

What did you have for breakfast this morning?


  1. Log the blog still. Hope you got the recipe my mom sent you. I am sure you will be successful. My mom "started new" when the new points plus came out and has already lost 10 pounds since the beginning of December. She reads your blog for inspiration!! When I am home we are always eating the same thing for breakfast because it's so good. Cook up 1/2 cup of egg beaters and mix in salsa when its almost done cooking. With that we eat fat free refried beans. It's so good and really filling. I cannot remember if it is 3 points or 4 cause I don't count the points too much, but I know it's one of the three. Try it out. If you like a little Mexican taste, you'll love it!


  2. **LOVE THE BLOG**** that's what I meant!

  3. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.---FDR

    Im proud of how you did this week!!! I know keeping any diet successful requires creativity because no one wants to eat the same stuff everyday!!! and we all know you are creative in the kitchen!!!!! keep it going and use your weight loss this week as momentum for the next!!!!!love you

  4. Thanks Jaynie! So glad I have readers, blogging is hard because you have to do it daily, on top of my dieting but knowing I have readers is the best possible thing! Yes your momma sent me the recipe sounds soo good! Im gonna make it after I hit the grocery store next week. :)

    A- Thanks for the kind words and the inspiration. My loss this week is really making me strive to do my best for next week. Love you sis :)
