Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 23- Do you hate your scale?

The weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend. I have been searching online for all kinds of stuff that is cheap/free that Jay and I can do that involves some sort of "activity".

What kind of stuff do you enjoy doing on weekends?

Sometimes your scale can be your best friend or worst enemy. When I began being serious about this fatloss journey I had Jay take our scale and hide it (not anywhere in our house). When I am not on a diet I have to have my scale around, keep an eye on my weight and at least make sure im not gaining, gaining, gaining.
If our scale is in the house when I diet I always end up giving up. The reason is because when I think I have a great week by exercising a good 6 out of 7 days and watching my calories strictly, I always expect I will lose a large number and when I don't I get mad at myself and give up. The only time I step on the scale is at my weekly weigh in at my weight watchers meetings. It helps me stay focused because I am not worried about when I wake up in the morning how I need to run down and step on the scale. I keep my focus on the things I need to be doing.

What is your love/hate relationship with your scale?


  1. I love the scale. lol Either way it goes for me-gain or lose, I'm motivated. I like to see the fluctuation your body has from even peeing! ha hahha. And for the record that is about 8 ounces. lol I can weigh myself everyday or not. The scale really doesn't control me, I find it more an interesting oddity the things that make weight fluctuations. Ultimately the weekly weigh in is the only thing I really pay attention to because I know that weight loss only occurs over time---the same way it is gained. It is a product of continued effort. At 3000 cal per pound it can't be quick. So don't stop or get discouraged. Even those weeks where there is no loss, just keep on keepin on and you will see results. :)

  2. sherry...i'm impressed at our age that you can hold 8 ounces!! hahaha

  3. Darling Daughter ... The scale is not the measurement of your strength. They don't make one that strong. Not only are you a wonderful writer, you are an inspiration to all who walk your path. I love you and keep going ... I'm watching you! Love, Dad
