Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 8

Today was so gloomy, last year I felt was alot more rainy but that could also be because Jason was deployed and I probably thought everyday was terrible. When I went to sleep last night I could hear the rain on the window and all I could think about when waking up the next morning and having to take out my two little dogs that almost have to swim to go to the bathroom when it gets pretty wet here. As I thought, I went to go scoop up the dog poop this morning and I had gone out in my flip flops so I don't ruin my shoes. I know the logic is funny, and I know I need rain boots but the water really sometimes goes up to my ankles out in the grass because you sink down in. It's alot easier to dry my bare feet. (Oh and also it was like 55 today so it's not like Im freezing my toes off) !

I went up to the Army post to hit the gym today, spent a good hour there. I was feeling kind of shakey so I decided to leave a little early to go grab a cheesestick and an orange to feel better on the drive home. I'm thinking I wasn't feeling to good because I had cereal for breakfast.

Because Jason has a four day weekend, tonight is technically our "Friday" and we usually do pizza on Friday nights. Which thank goodness for Weight Watchers because I was able to have some and still fit it in my daily allowance without feeling guility that I had something I enjoyed. Although, because it's the week before my girly time I HAD to pick up some ice cream from the grocery :) The entire 1/2 gallon comes to 40 points and I have a weekly allowance of 49 which I will allow myself to have throughout the week if I need to give in so I dont drive my husband up a wall. But when the weeks over and there is still some left which there probably will be only because when I get the craving for ice cream it only lasts that day and I want a big loss this coming Wednesday. I decided I'm going to pitch it to the garbage. I prefer salty snacks over anything sweet anyday!

What are your biggest cravings that you allow yourself to have so you can succeed?


  1. Yellow hey baby doing good so far! Tonights Pizza was great I'm glad you stuck to you number limits perfectly! I'm gunna munch up the rest of that pizza Tom. I'm sure! I love you so much oh and my biggest cravings to allow myself to succeed is pretzels as u kno I keep a bag by my bed at all times I love u and ur fish pills

  2. Wow. Jay have you turned into dad with the whole pretzel thing? Lol ;) han- just got done reading a few blogs from the past few days...I am so proud. Do not be discouraged what so ever. Some weight lost is better than no weight lost. I love how you said you had to get some icecream so you don't drive jay crazy lol sounds like ryan and I. Haha! But I would have to say my craving is also icecream, oh and plain lays potato chips, ohhh and snickers! Ughh I gotta stop cause I'm making myself hungry! And I don't wanna tempt you ;) keep up the good work darling...I'll keep reading! Love you

  3. Jen, he has always been obsessed with his preztels! Like father like son I guess!?

    I love snickers too, omg yum!
    I just try to stock up on fruits because that really helps me from feeling hungry and messing up. Plus because fruits are sweet they cover my cravings pretty good.

  4. Ohhh yes I love fruits too. Vegetables...not so much. I actually watch the show Dr. Oz the other day and they had a lady on there from weight watchers and she was explaining the points plus system...pointless story but it reminded me of you and your journey!
