Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 25

Today we headed to the Army post to work out and I decided I wanted to do some swimming. I figured I would own up to my post the other day about swimming being my favorite activity and jump in! I had a great time, I need to pick up some goggles though because it made it pretty difficult to be able to bring up the intensity because I was blinded. The water temperature was 85 degrees, it almost took my breath away when I first got in, I wasn't expecting it to be a hot tub!
I ran into my worst enemy in the ladies locker room. The scale. I gave in, and stepped on it. With that being said I dont believe anything it says because it said I lost 10 pounds and I know that isn't true. I am not going to get that excited for nothing! I'll find out in a few days the truth.

I know alot of people who are used to the old points system has stuck to that because it's what they are used to. I personally like the new pointsplus system. I enjoy being able to have all the free fruit and veggies(minus a few) that I want. They are a saving grace when I start feeling a big hungry and need to snack on something before a meal time.
For those of you who have tried both programs, which do you like best?


  1. I cant believe u stepped on that scale I guess I gotta go hide that one too hehe but what ev I think I'm gunna swim tomorrow if you want but I wanna work out a little first! But either way your doing great baby and good job not giving in to any ofthis weekends temptations I kno there were quite a few! Love you

  2. Wow, you don't know how lucky you are to have all those amenities at your disposal! a pool that is 85 degrees...heaven. To me it would be anyway. lol Glad you got the chance to swim again. And more so that you loved it! As for the points programs--yah I'm struggling with the new one. I'm trying to stay open minded about it, as I do all things. I think half the problem is that the old program is soooo ingrained in my brain and it worked so well for me. I lost 30 lbs on it. Its hard to let it go. Does that make sense? I feel like it wasn't broken, so why did they try to fix it.. On the other hand-its nice to be able to eat those fruits for 0 pts. lol Thats the big plus. Actually the only plus I see for the new program when I compare. I have actually been comparing my foods eaten with the old pts system and the new one. On the new plan I can have more food, which is not lending itself to my losing any weight. At my age, this is not a good thing. I think if you are young, this is probably fine. Older equals a much slower metabolism, soooo I feel the points range is too high for me, which is why I havent' lost any weight since the program changed. i'm not sure, just my theory
