Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 19

I was surfing the internet looking at other fatloss blogs trying to find tools of motivation and inspiration for myself and to share with you. I found a blog about a man who lost about 300 pounds (originally 475). He was in his early twenties and basically ate as terrible as you could imagine, and did no physical activity besides walking from his car to his house. He woke up one day, after a few days of shortness of breath along with rapid heart beat and didn't want his parents to find him dead at 22. He knew nothing about nutrition and just decided to start cutting out salts, fast food and pop. Then challenged himself to only buy green foods and shop on the outside walls of the grocery store. He started his journey in the mid 90s and today he weighs 190 pounds of all lean muscle and particpates in competitive fitness and weight lifting. Now that's motivation! I find inspiration from this because his story is evidence that when you are ready to do something, you will do anything to learn and execute your plan. He finished off his story with a quote that spoke straight to me.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

This quote speaks for itself. I hope you can find motivation or inspiration from this story as much as I have.

What would you like me to change or add to my blog to make it a more enjoyable experience?

1 comment:

  1. I love the graphics you added!

    great story about the power of our will to live.

    shopping the outside perimeter of the grocery store is the only place to find the healthy, natural "whole" food as God intended straight from the earth. if you think about it, only in the past 60 years or so, out of the millions of years of mankind's existence, have we even introduced the never ending selections of "fake" foods. this has been new territory and the resulting health crisis is proof that our bodies were not intended to survive on the chemicals and artificial food products and still maintain a healthy existence.

    we still need to eat, but we have the power to decide what goes into our mouth. like our car's gas tank....we can fill it up with mud so it's full, but it won't operate properly.

    i love his quote:
    "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear"!! this translates into everything in life.

    thanks for sharing such an inspirational story today!
