Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 15

Treat Yourself.

This week at our meeting we discussed how to deal with real life. We need to treat ourselves once and awhile or we will crash and burn. We discussed how we felt about the 49 extra points we get to use weekly. Some women said they feel guilty if they use them, others use every point and feel great about it. I personally am in the middle on the subject. Sometimes when I dip into my 49 points I do feel as if I'm cheating, other times I know it's necessary.
One lady brought up an interesting point. Those 49 points help us from deciding we are "off" our diet. There is no "off" or "on". If I need to have that piece of cake, or enjoy pizza on pizza night, I can. If a girlfriend wants to grab a drink or have lunch I don't feel guilty. Any other diet I have been on, if I messed up I would just say "oh well" I guess I'm off now.
We need to be able to live life while continuing on our diets. Anyone who has done as many diets as I have, it's very hard to participate in any plans that involve parties, food, etc. Other people just don't understand and you get a look of pity like wow, that sucks. Yes it does. This being my first time doing Weight Watchers I love the flexibility, although the weight loss may not be as high that week, it will get me to the next week without failure.

"The higher the risk, the higher the reward."
This is a quote almost everyone is familiar with. I don't even remember which age I was even taught this. But this rule applies to exactly this reasoning. If I starve myself, if I follow this diet by the book I will have high reward. But like I said before, I will crash and burn because no one can keep that up forever. Some weeks I may just have to take a smaller loss and treat myself so I can keep running this marathon and not a sprint.

What are your thoughts on the subject?


  1. thats why they teach it this way so it can be a lifestyle. Some people actually eat like this all the time and don't think of it as a "diet". Its just how they eat. Their preference. Good nutritious foods. I had an aunt like this. She was sooo tiny. But the things she loved were all healthy low calorie foods. AGH. Me, on the other hand, I liked all the high carb, high fat foods, which after eaten lead you to crave more of them. (proven scientifically) Once I break that bond with those foods I find I don't get so hungry or crave things like I used to. Which is very helpful when you are trying to lose weight! lol But to think anyone will never have a sugary treat or a bagel or something is just not realistic. That's why I like WW. Hope you are taking a liking to it too!

  2. I agree baby sometimes u gotta reach your hand in the cookie jar and take a few extra hehe keep up the good work puppet
