Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 10

Yesterday was very productive for Jay and I. We got alot of items on the to-do list done, and it feels great! We hit the gym for awhile and I did the rowing machine. Oh My God, I am so sore today. My sister was on the rowing team for OSU and I now can feel her pain. The only difference was that she had to be at practice at 5 AM EVERYDAY for hours and hours and I only rowed for 20 minutes. All I can say is ouch, and that's how I'm feeling today.
Unfortunately the day turned bad when we got home and realized I lost something very important to me. We spent the entire evening and day looking and haven't found a thing. Food wise, I stuck to the plan but tonight (Sunday- Day 11) Jay wants to take me to dinner and a movie so I will be back later to say how I managed at the restaurant.

"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up."

So, I am pretty down about yesterday and I am hoping I can face the reality and pull myself back together before we go out to eat tonight. I know this is just a test, and when I pass it I will come home I will find my lost item in plain sight and continue on this journey.

What do you struggle from? Does anyone else eat when they are sad?


  1. OMG yes... I eat when I'm upset, pissed, annoyed, sad, worried, etc... I guess I'm an emotional eater. I can be on the phone and while talking, hearing something that upsets me, I'm heading for food, while I'm still on the phone. Guess that says it all. We use food for everything. Its very versatile. Its not just to sustain us nutritionally. Its a social activity to dine. we associate food with love, good feelings, great memories, smells, warmth, happiness etc.. I think thats why overeating is such a problem-just my ya-Momma Lloyd

  2. ah yess the dreadful rowing machine how we became so hope you learn to love it a little more than i ever did hehe love you----A

  3. i've been the queen of emotional eating over the last couple years...hence the extra 40 lbs.

    the beginning of the battle is to acknowledge that you are an emotional eater. then the hard part is to recognize the "triggers" that set you on the path to the fridge. once you start to see the pattern, it becomes easier to avoid using food to "self medicate". i am still struggling with it but getting better.

    the interesting thing is that if i eat in response to stress, etc the only thing that really happens is that i am more upset with myself after the temporary "fix" wears off. so it's a lose-lose situation all around.

    if i want to eat based on emotions, i go stand on the scale and decide which is worse!!
