Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2

It's pretty obvious that I havent kept up with my blog, for many reasons, finishing college, and my husband coming home from Afghanistan. My favorite little netbook that I recieved for my birthday last year also decided to be the perfect sponge to a spill and got ruined. Luckly which im sure ive stated on here, Jason bought the product coverage so I got to go pick a brand new one. The only problem is that when I started using it, the Windows 7 operating system makes my internet go out of whack. SO, everytime I turn it on, my internet goes out and doesnt work for a few hours...So hopefully I can steal his computer :)

Well, enough of that. Weight watchers day 2. I havent been to a meeting yet but I have done so many diets I know the common sense of where to begin. Plus, my mother has done the program and watching over her I have learned the basics.

Well, because it's the beginning of the new year and I have been waiting for that spark of motivation to get me going and lose weight and be healthy like I have been wanting for months, but I needed something to make my switch flip on. The first few days of the new year I have just felt plain terrible, I dont know if I had the flu or just under the weather a bit but i felt sick of feeling that way and my switch flipped. I have tried every diet in the book, spent all kinds of money and am just sick and tired of being "sick and tired".

I will be using this blog(that I have used for many reasons since I began this site)to express my feelings, frustrations and celebrations of my journey. Mainly this is for myself to be able to look back on successful days and remember to stay motivated.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost impossible to stay healthy these days. Food is everywhere you go, horrible bad for you food. Try educating yourself on the different ingredients found in certain foods (you may have already). I always say if I can't read what is in something, I won't eat it. It helps sometimes. Especially now that I have learned just how unhealthy most food is. For me it is just hard not to become obsessed with it, and use it as an excuse to not eat at all.
    I also suffer from an eating disorder, and although our struggles may be different, they both revolve around Food and Fat.
    I will be reading your blog and may start one of my own. Keep doing what you are doing, it can be done! Just remember never to forget who you are and why you are doing it.
    Have a good day :)
